mercoledì 18 marzo 2020

DataDomain - Upgrade by command line

Today I had to update the firmware of a DataDomain 3300 to the latest version, however, there is an issue that prevents you from updating from the GUI ...


  1. First of all we should download locally the firmware .rpm file from the DellEMC support site. In our case we have to download the file.

  2. Then we must copy the .rpm file into a specific path "/ddr/var/releases".

    scp sysadmin@dd3300:/ddr/var/releases/

  3. Got access the Data Domain appliance via SSH, we proceed giving the pre-check command ...

    sysadmin@dd3300# system upgrade precheck

  4. If no issues were found, we go ahead starting the upgrade ...

    sysadmin@dd3300# system upgrade start

    and then typing "yes" and enter.

  5. System will reboot automatically...

  6. When the appliance become reachable again, gained access by ssh, we can check the status of the upgrade with the command ..

    sysadmin@dd3300# system upgrade status

    To be sure that the upgrade is completed successfully, we have to wait the message (as shown below in the picture):
    Current Upgrade Status: DD OS upgrade Succeeded

  7. We can now get access to the DataDomain Appliance by the GUI

That's it.

Notes: The information and some links provided in this article may be confidential and owned by DellEMC, accessible only after authentication on the DellEMC website.
Further information available at

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