After an upgrade of the ESXi host from version 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 when the host came back on, the network was no longer properly connected to the DVS.
I then re-added the ESXi host to the various DVSs by reassigning the uplinks to the correct vmnic as originally.
and ...
To solve the problem I had to re-assign the VMkernel adapters to the corresponding Portgroup even if they were already present.
So, I proceeded as follows ..
Right click with the mouse on DVS affected (The images below refer to a different DVS from that shown by the images above, however the procedure performed does not change).
Add and Manage Hosts...
Select Manage host networking and click Next
- Click on Attached Hosts... select the host affected. Click OK and then Next until you get to session 4 Manage VMkernel adapter.
Select the vmk of the "On this switch" section (in my case, I start with vmk0 and then with the others) and click Assign portgroup.
- Select the right portgroup and clik OK.
- Do the same for the others vmks.
Click NEXT, NEXT and then FINISH.
- As we can see now, from the image below a new "Port ID" has been assigned to the host and the "State" results with the Link Up.
But if I look into the Topology view, there is still something to fix ...
the Uplink1 and Uplink2 State for the host are still down ... -
Connecting via SSH to the host, I check the status of the nic with the command
# esxcli network nic list
I observe, that unlike the graphical interface, the "Link Status" of vmnic20 and vmnic21 are Up. -
I solved it, putting down and up the vmnic20 and vmnic21 ...
# esxcli network nic down -n vmnic20
# esxcli network nic up -n vmnic20 - Looking the UI ... Now everything is OK.
That's it.
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