venerdì 18 ottobre 2019

How to reset the NSX l2vpn edge standalone appliance password

I was working to an infrastructure deployed by someone else, and I needed to get into the "NSX l2vpn edge" standalone appliance to check some information without having to change the settings.
As can be seen from the image below, the user appears to be also locked due to 9 failed logins attempts.

Let's covering the process down here in detail, step by step, with screenshots.

Disclaimer: Some of the procedures described below is not officially supported by VMware. Use it at your own risk.

The fastest way I found to access the NSX l2vpn Edge Appliance and reset the password, is to start the VM from a CDROM with a Linux live CD.

First of all, we turn off the VM and take a cold snapshot.

after that we connect to the appliance the Linux live CD (in my case I used lubuntu)

and we boot the appliance selecting the CD-ROM Drive options

Start linux in live mode (without installing anything), and once started open a Terminal and ....

lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ sudo su
root@lubuntu:~# fdisk -l

as we can see from the below picture, we have disk /dev/sda with four partitions

The partition that interests us is the /dev/sda1 ...

root@lubuntu:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/
root@lubuntu:~# chroot /mnt/
bash-4.3# passwd admin

Then, need to provide a new password ...

If everything went fine, the message password update successfully should be appear.

Repeat the same command to reset the password of the user "enable", and if the password was successfully reset, reboot the NSX l2vpn edge appliance.

When the appliance is up and running, try to get into providing the admin username and password ....

If everything went as expected remove the snapshot.

That's it.

lunedì 14 ottobre 2019

VxRail Appliance Event Codes

Da una certa versione in poi, EMC ha iniziato a personalizzare, migliorare, dettagliare e codificare i messaggi di errore delle VxRail Appliance con una propria numerazione alfanumerica denominata "Symptom Code".
Pur essendo il codice, esplicato in modo abbastanza dettagliato nell'area "Description" sarebbe utile disporre dei riferimenti alle KB per la risoluzione della problematica.

Di seguito la guida di riferimento dei codici di evento "Event Code Reference" per le VxRail Appliance dalla versione 4.5.X alla versione 4.7.X con riferimento alla KB per la risoluzione del problema.

That's it.

sabato 5 ottobre 2019

PowerCLI - Check Netflow settings

Ho la necessità di verificare le impostazioni del parametro "Netflow" sui vari virtual distributed portgroup tramite PowerCLI.

Cercando in rete ho trovato quello che fa la mio caso "DISABLING NETFLOW WITH POWERCLI" direttamente scritto da Alan Renouf.

Non mi resta che verificare le impostazioni Netflow di tutti i VDPortGroups con il comando .....

Get-VDPortgroup | Select Name, VirtualSwitch, @{Name="NetflowEnabled";Expression={$_.Extensiondata.Config.defaultPortConfig.ipfixEnabled.Value}}

That's it.