martedì 3 marzo 2020

VM Hardware and Tools Status,Version

I need to check and compare for each Virtual Machine the version of the Virtual Hardware, the Status and the Version of the VMware Tools.

The easiest way I've found is to make some a simple script like the following via PowerCLI.

$Report = @()
foreach ($VM in Get-VM) {
 $temp = Get-View $VM |  Select Name, @{N="HWVersion";E={$_.Config.version}},  @{N='VMwareToosStatus';E={$_.Guest.ToolsStatus}}, @{N="VMwareToolsVersion";E={$_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}}
 $vmHW.VMname = $temp.Name
 $vmHW.HWVersion = $temp.HWVersion
 $vmHW.VMwareToosStatus = $temp.VMwareToosStatus
 $vmHW.VMwareToolsVersion = $temp.VMwareToolsVersion
 $tempNObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $vmHW
    $Report += $tempNObject
$Report | Select @{N="VM Name";E={$_.VMname}}, @{N="HW Version";E={$_.HWVersion}},  @{N='VMware Tools Status';E={$_.VMwareToosStatus}}, @{N="VMware Tools version";E={$_.VMwareToolsVersion}}  | Sort-Object -Unique "VM Name" | Format-Table -AutoSize 

That's it.

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