lunedì 25 luglio 2022

Clone a VM via PowerCLI


What I need today? I just need to create a simple PowerCLI script to clone a VM, after it has been powered off.


Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk.

The following script is used to create a clone of a specific VM (after it has been shut down).
Before running, replace the following fields with your information:

<VCENTER>: Source vCenter (where the VM is running)
<USERNAME>: Username to connect to the vCenter (whit right permition to clone)
<PASSWORD>: Password of the user
<DATASTORE_TARGET>: Datastore target where. to place the cloned VM

Below the script:
# LM: Use it at your own risk
# Clone a VM on the specific Datastore and attach the suffix "_Clone" to the VM Name (cloned)

if ($args[0].length -gt 0) {
 $vmName = $args[0]
} else {
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "Usage: .\CloneVM.ps1 <VM_Name>"
 exit 40

Connect-VIServer -Server <VCENTER> -User <USERNAME> -Password <PASSWORD>

$vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName

if ((Get-VM -Name $vmName).PowerState -eq "PoweredOff") {
  Write-Host -foreground Green "- VM "$vmName "is already OFF"
    Write-Host -foreground Red "- VM "$vmName "is shutting down ..." 
    $vm | Shutdown-VMGuest  -Confirm:$false
    While ((Get-VM -Name $vmName).PowerState -ne "PoweredOff") {
        Write-Host -foreground yellow "... waiting for" $vmName "to power off"
    sleep 5

$ds = Get-Datastore -Name <DATASTORE_TARGET>
$esx = Get-Cluster -VM $vmName | Get-VMHost | Get-Random
$vm = New-VM -VM $vmName -Name $vmName'_CLONE' -Datastore $ds -VMHost $esx

Set-VM $vmName -name $vmName'_Clone' -confirm:$false

Disconnect-VIServer -Server * -Force -Confirm:$false

That's it.

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