mercoledì 9 agosto 2023

[NSX-T] Stale logical-port(s) still connected in NSX-T 3.x


I was cleaning up a customer's NSX-T configuration to bring some changes, when I saw a lot of logical-ports still connected, more than hundred even if VM was no more present on vCenter.


I immediately thought of creating a script with rest APIs calls to remove the logical ports from NSX-T Manager. It is possible to find all the NSX-T API calls here.

For rest APIs calls within the bash script I will be using cURL with the suggestions provided here.

First, let's see the rest APIs to use:
  1. to retrieve the IDs of the Logical Ports
  2. to delete the connection

To get the list of Logical-Ports:
GET /api/v1/logical-ports

Below how it looks the command line ...
# lorenzo@ubuntu:~$ curl -ksn -X GET https://{NSX-T MANAGER IP}/api/v1/logical-ports 
... combining to the previous line the jq command and sed, we can extract only the ID field of our interst.
# lorenzo@ubuntu:~$ curl -ksn -X GET https://{NSX-T MANAGER IP}/api/v1/logical-ports |  jq '.results[] | .id' | sed 's/"//g' 
Outcome in the image below.

To get the deletion of the Logical-Port:
DELETE /api/v1/logical-ports/<LogicalPort-ID>?detach=true

We now have all the elements to build the bash script, which looks like the one below...

WARNING: It provided witout warranty. Use it at your own risk and only if you are aware of what you are doing

curl -ksn -X GET https://{NSX-T MANAGER IP}/api/v1/logical-ports |  jq '.results[] | .id' | sed 's/"//g' | while read -r LP_ID
 curl -ksn -X DELETE https://{NSX-T MANAGER IP}/api/v1/logical-ports/${LP_ID}?detach=true
 echo " -> "${LP_ID}" removed "
... launch the script as below ...
lorenzo@ubuntu:~$ bash 
... the result is the following. All Logial-Ports have been cancelled.

That's it.

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